The Howl

Are you ready to step out of your cage?

For those who appreciate a personal guide.


What's on this page

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Healthy love, sex and intimacy coaching
Conscious uncoupling
Surrogate partner

Who is this for?


Do any of these sound familiar:

"I want more intimacy in my life."

"I wish I had an intimate partner."

"My partner and I are having sex less often."

"I've succeeded in business, now what about my personal life?

"I feel distant from others and awkward when it comes to intimacy."

"My life looks great from the outside, but my sex life is nonexistent."

Men concerned with "premature ejaculation" or "erectile disfunction" and women who haven't had an orgasm as often as they would like.

"When I think of sex I feel fear, social anxiety and a lack of confidence."

"I don't want to leave my partner but we're both longing for something more fulfilling."


It's possible to put these concerns behind you forever without any pills, potions or fancy contraptions.


A useful guide is hard to find.

Some guides along my journey have been a bit clinical and I didn't feel my wild side was welcome, or cheesy feeling and I didn't want to play games, or cult like and I wasn't looking for a new social circle, or woo woo and I didn't feel grounded or safe.

Once I found excellent teachers, they were usually hundreds or thousands of miles away and I spent tens of thousands of dollars on travel and tuition to learn from them.

That's why I am dedicated to offering a space that is:

  • grounded in a strong and safe container
  • beckons you deeper into your authentic expression
  • honoring all of you, and
  • provided in person, or if you prefer in the comfort and privacy of your own home online.

Wherever you are in your sex-and-intimacy journey, I will meet you there and walk along your side as you move toward your highest intentions.

Dont worry, I have a flash light.



How does the process unfold?

Once we begin, here is the simple process that will set you free:

  • you will clarify your dream and envision your ideal future
  • I will hold your vision with you, creating a powerful container for transformation
  • we will assess the obstacles that are currently in your way
  • using our combined tools, we will eliminate the obstacles one by one
  • you will live the life of your dreams.

Simple!  The beautiful thing about intimacy is ... there's nothing to learn, only things to unlearn. All we have to do is let you be you.

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Conscious Uncoupling Coaching


Emerge out of unhealthy relationships once and for all.

"Emotional trauma is the root cause of almost all chronic illness."
~ Dr. Raphael Kellman, MD.

Are you in a painful breakup or divorce? Or grieving a past breakup?

Why live like this when there is a better way?

The groundbreaking Conscious Uncoupling coaching program, created by marriage and family therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas, will lead you from heartache to wholeness in 5 simple and highly transformative steps.

Based on Katherine's New York Times Bestseller, Conscious Uncoupling, this program will help you find relief from breakup pain, reclaim your personal power, and create your "happily even after" life. This celebrated method has helped thousands transform their sorrow into strength and their pain into newfound power.

In just three months:

  • consciously and honorably uncouple from your partner
  • experience a reprieve from breakup trauma and overwhelming pain
  • rediscover your worthiness to love and be loved
  • be free from resentment
  • evolve beyond habitual disappointing patterns in love
  • awaken your power to create happier and healthier patterns in love


Every time you choose love over fear.
Every time you choose to be generative rather than reactionary.
Every time you listen, see, and hear your partner rather than assume you know what they are about to say.
You are a relationship revolutionary.


"I am a skeptic. I am also fairly self aware. I have worked with really good therapists in the past (and the present) who have helped me in many ways. I didn’t believe in “light bulb” moments; I thought that only happened in books and movies. I went into this program simply thinking I would at least learn something new about myself. I had only had a few relationships, and they all ended in the same drawn-out, exhausting, heartbroken way. I wanted to break the pattern, so I gave this a chance. Through this program and the tender yet firm guidance of River, I have changed my life. Let me say that again - I have changed my life. It’s no joke, and I’m not exaggerating. Go through this program with an open mind, and change your own life. I can’t explain exactly why this program is different, but it is, and it is worth it.” ~ Raina Harris

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Surrogate Partner Program


The surrogate partner program is a supportive way to learn how to be in an intimate relationship from within an actual relationship.  It includes a high level support system that involves you, me and your therapist throughout the process.


The surrogate partner program is designed for those who do not have a spouse or intimate partner, and who are not realistically able to enter intimate partnership without additional support.


If you would like to explore this program, I've made some rich resources for you right here on this site.  


Visit the Surrogate Partner Pages
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